Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Step One: $1000 Emergency Fund

Three weeks ago when I decided to start this financial journey I had $125 in our WF savings, $237 in the credit union savings and about $300 in our checking accounts. This isn't a great start. In the Total Money Makover Dave Ramsey says "...a high percentage of people can't write a $600 check (for something other than normal bills)." We are very close to being part of that percentage. Well after a week of fighting with Sexy Manboy about our finances we were convinced we had to get started, Now.

The idea is to make a budget and allot an amount from the budget towards the step you are currently in. We are in step one: $1000 Emergency Fund. After you have allotted what you can from your budget, finding "extra money" is the next step in building the fund. Since I haven't been successful in actually writing our budget yet, I am looking into the extra or found money aspect. I remembered that Sexy Manboy empties his pockets every day into his Harley-Davidson piggy bank/tin. I grabbed that and my piggy bank and started rolling...
Can you believe it??? $109.50 in a tin on the  nightstand! OMG! I practically RAN to the bank to deposit those sexy little rolls.

There it is, $109.50. Beautiful.
 (don't mind my terrible iphone photo, this is my first blog)

This weekend I had a huge yard sale. I sold clothes, some furniture pieces that were no longer needed, old sunglasses, shoes, I even sold a strobe light from when my sis and I were cool in middle school. Oh and lets not forget my Nintendo DS games, my actual DS was stolen from work about 3 years ago. I have been holding onto the games as if I was going to replace my gaming system from 6 years ago.  As for my Slumber Parties business, I put out my lingerie (new with tags) and the bath and body products and made a few dollars there too. In total I raked in $143!! Not bad for being up at 5:30 am. Of course, I ran to the bank again. This time I deposited $103, Sexy was leaving for a work trip and needed some cash. But damn it I am so excited, we are more than half way there!

So here is how we stack up as of today: Our Goal is $1000
$250.13 WF
$237.36 CU
$109.50 Coins in my house!
$103.00  Yard Sale
$699.99 TOTAL (omg over half way there)

I still haven't made a budget, I still am struggling with how much we get paid and our expenses. I'll get there, but in the mean time any cash I "find" goes in the emergency fund. It's kind of a backwards way of doing it but you haven't seen my so-called budget yet. I'm still reducing expenses and trying to make that shit work.

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